Thursday, March 25, 2010

In a Fortnight

I was about to type "In Two Weeks" as the post title but then realized this was a prime opportunity to use the sorely neglected term, "fortnight." Anyway... What's happening in a fortnight, you ask? Well, my sister and one of our best friends are flying to Beijing, China. I haven't quite wrapped my head around this yet. Jessica (that's my sister) has gone on some extensive, out of the country journeys but never one that will quite literally land her a day apart from her life here. (The whole 13 hour time difference truly baffles me. I mean, I get it but I don't really get it.)

Jessica and Amy are traveling to China to serve for two weeks at China Little Flower, a facility that cares for orphans in need of specialized care, abandoned infants, and even babies expected to die but who deserve to be loved and provided for until that happens. The pictures alone for this organization's website are enough to melt the heart. They are doing amazing, thankless, God-honoring work. It is the sort of work that grabs hold of my sister's merciful heart.

I guess this blog post is just to state how crazy proud I am of my sister. If I could learn to love as she loves... She has no idea how beautiful she is.

And as long as I'm here and you're here, it wouldn't hurt to ask something of you, right? Prayers. Please pray for their safety in traveling, for their jet lag to be as tolerable as possible so they can serve as they desire to serve, and for the children they will encounter during their time at China Little Flower.
If you'd like to learn a little more about this organization, here's the website link.
And if you'd care to support the rather pricey service trip that Jessica and Amy are taking, please email me at with "China Little Flower" in the subject line and I'll provide Jessica's mailing address. They're doing this entirely on their own, not through an organization or sponsorship, and have worked terribly hard to save money and raise money in small ways. They don't know I'm putting this request on this blog and I didn't plan on including it when I started this post, but there it is.

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