Monday, September 4, 2017


Let me take a break from pulling my hair out to state the obvious: writer's block sucks. I do not succumb to it often, but the last week has been one of the rare exceptions.

I've tried everything. Staring at a blank notebook for endless minutes; switching between typing and longhand; rereading the previous paragraphs to set off ideas for the remainder of the story; jumping ahead to write later scenes. All to no avail. I've also tried stepping away from it to do anything else before returning to the story: reading, running, yoga, classical music, shopping, TV, sex (Calm down, I'm married with two children. No surprises here.), a hot bath, and more reading.

The words are hibernating somewhere in the recesses of my imagination. I know they exist, but they are avoiding me like an acrophobe avoids the Empire State Building. So, I thought perhaps taking a break to write about writers block might unblock the block. Time will tell.

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